Our Services

A cultural psychology-informed

psychodynamic approach

Eastgate Services

How we work

Eastgate’s difference is the frame we hold with respect to working with our clients. Although we adopt techniques and methods from a variety of evidence-based psychotherapeutic modalities, we primarily employ a cultural psychology-informed psychodynamic approach in guiding our work.

Eastgate Psychological Services

Counselling and Consultation
with culture in mind.


We provide consultation services for leaders and organizations who are looking for ways of understanding themselves as creators and participants in cultural dynamics.


All of our counsellors are trained and supervised in psychodynamic principles and how these interact with our cultures of origin. 

Supervision Services

Dr. Ng offers supervision for mental health practitioners who would like to gain more insight into their practices from a cultural psychology perspective.

Frequently Asked Questions

What do you mean by “understanding and caring for your clients’ cultural backgrounds?”

Culture isn’t just our ethnic heritage. It’s also our socioeconomic statuses, our faiths, our families, our workplaces, our nationalities, and more. We all were born and now live in relational systems, and part of the work that counsellors from Eastgate do is to work with our clients in developing ways of understanding, living within, and even changing the cultures that have shaped us.

What part does faith and spirituality play in Eastgate’s style of counselling?

Part of psychological health derives from spiritual health. Different counsellors from Eastgate will have different levels of experience and comfort in addressing the faith/spiritual backgrounds of our clients. Some counsellors have theological training from Christian seminaries and others have a lifetime of lived experience with different institutions. However, every counsellor at Eastgate adheres to the ideal that sessions are centered on the client’s experience and priorities, and as such, we would only discuss faith and spirituality at a client’s behest.

What is a psychodynamic perspective and what makes it different?

The easiest way to understand psychodynamic psychotherapy is that it’s all about your relationships: with your family, your friends, with yourself, with the institutions to which you belong, and with your image of God. Psychodynamic work focuses on gaining insight into these relationships and how they’ve formed you, and seeks to open new horizons for you to live differently within them. The predominant and well-publicized approach of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) seeks to help people change their lives by way of changing their thoughts and  behaviours. CBT can be helpful in mitigating acute symptoms. Although counsellors at Eastgate have training and experience with CBT, we employ them under the umbrella of psychodynamic psychotherapy, which aims to create and restore good within all the contexts in which we live.

Not sure how to proceed? Contact us for a free 30-minute phone consultation.

We are looking forward to being a part of your healing journey.

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